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Tuesday, December 03
From the desk of David Tinney, Author "Why Not Fly For Free"
Good Morning Friend,
"There's a way to avoid your anger, embarrassment and regret..."
"There's a way to avoid your anger, embarrassment and regret..."
That's what I told my friend, Eric, recently.
Eric told me he and his wife haven't been on a vacation together for
more than 4 years. Over a cup of coffee, he was explaining, or should I
say making excuses, why he couldn't take his wife on a romantic holiday.
Eric's situation made me angry because I know and practice little known secrets how to travel, take vacations and get airline tickets for practically nothing, almost free!
Now, you also have access to same secrets, tricks and strategies I use to get free travel.
Imagine how happy you'll feel when you save hundreds, perhaps even thousands, on your next trip or vacation? It's up to you to make it happen.
I'm so sure you'll be happy with my e-Book that I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is. If you're unsatisfied for any reason with my e-Book, just let me know anytime within 60 days of your purchase and I'll refund every penny you paid...NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Your Satisfaction Is My Only Goal!
Listen up...I've got the perfect no-risk solution for you...even if you rarely fly on an airplane...that's right, even if you've never bought an airline ticket.
Travel Agent
tells his secrets
I've been beating the airlines at their
own game for more than 15 years, flying almost free 98% of the time.You
can use the same strategy that I've used to get 63 free airline tickets over the last 15 years.
Even though the price of airline tickets have
gone out of site because of skyrocketing fuel prices and increased costs
of airport security, there's still a way you can beat the system's high prices.
My name is David Tinney and I own a travel agency in the midwest United States. Our
specialty is selling discount international airline tickets. I've written a guide that shows how you can
travel practically free just about anywhere in the world.
That's right, after more than 20 years in the travel industry, I'm giving up all my
secrets and little tricks I've learned and been using myself.
But you don't have to own a travel agency
like I do for this to work. You'll learn the strategies to make it
happen. My guide teaches you how to turn expenses
into free travel...including:
I seperate the fact from the fiction.
I'm amazed at how uninformed the public is about how the airline
industry works and thinks. The simple fact is, we've been duped by the
slick advertising campaigns the airlines are pitching to us.
We believe the myths they're shoving at us and it's costing us hundreds of dollars of our hard earned money!
For instance, here are some myths the airlines have led you to believe:
Airline Executive Reveals Prices...
I also include in the guide a revealing interview with an airline executive who explains in
layman's terms the complex system the airlines use to determine the price they charge the public.
From this interview, you'll get the advice from an executive of one of the top airlines in the world how to consistantly purchase airline tickets at rock bottom prices.
This information is not available anywhere I know of. It's probably the
first time a top airline official has revealed the inner workings of
the industry.
He confirms what I have been saying as a travel agent how the price of an airline ticket is
determined and it's contrary to what you hear in their advertising message.
Obviously, I cannot reveal this gentleman's name or the airline he works for but you'll be shocked
by what he revealed to me.
Read what satisfied readers say ...
David |
Hi David, |
David, |
Hello David, |
There's no fluff and extra filler in my guide. Just facts, a simple formula that has
worked for me. Real, practical tips how to earn free travel. Tips you can put into practice today.
Travel Insider Reveals All
You're going to learn and benefit from my experience. With over a decade in the
travel industry, I know the inside secrets, what works and what doesn't.
There's a lot of scams out there. I've gotten some in the mail, saying I
have won a free cruise and blah, blah, blah. Call the 800 number and find out they want $100 deposit before they'll talk
to you.
It's not about being an air courier. Thats ancient news, and besides you can't
take anybody with you as a courier. Oh, and it also costs $200-300 per year just to get on the list as a courier.
Then you still have to pay for a portion of the ticket. Is that a good deal? I think not.
I'm going to give you information that will make you a more savvy traveler, armed with information that will save you bucks.
Why Not Fly Free gives a workable plan to attain a goal. The goal of free travel.
Simple, yet extremely effective.
your Dreams Now
Like I said, I've owned a travel agency for more than 20 years. My office has planned
literally tens of thousands of vacations and trips.
I remember once a man and his wife sat across from me at my desk. They were planning
their dream vacation for them and their two kids. They told me they'd been saving five years for this vacation.
Scrimping and saving for five years so they could take the kids to Florida, their family vacation of a lifetime.
As I listened to this man and wife, I felt so sorry for them. Because they didn't know the secrets in this guide, their family dreams were unfulfilled.
Is this what you've been doing? Cutting corners, skipping lunch all week to save
some extra bucks for that dream vacation?
Thats great but there's a better way. My guide shows you exactly how you can travel practically free.
A few nights ago, my wife and I were watching TV and a commercial came on. In one
scene, it
showed the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I turned to her and said, "We've been there, we've seen that." Turning, she
smiled and took my hand. Her squeeze told me, "Thank you."
See, you don't have to be rich to realize your travel dreams. All you have
to know is the right information. It's not hard, you don't have to be a rocket scientist. Just follow the simple
steps I outline.
It's been said this time in which we live is the age of information. It's true,
having the right information at the right time can be very beneficial, right? My guide leads you with the right information how to accumulate free travel.
I've learned that dreams don't automatically happen. You have to do something to make them
a reality. The guide will show you exactly what to do, how to reach your travel dreams, step by step.
Most of us spend 3 to 4 hours a night in front of the TV. You can read the guide in less
time than that. And learn how to make those travel dreams come true. Your wife and kids will be glad you did.
In addition to my all my secrets about how to fly practically free, how to travel
on a shoestring budget and the way get to the cheapest airline tickets, I'm going to also open up my 'little
black book' and reveal the phone numbers of the consolidators who sell the cheapest airline tickets!
That's right, I'm pulling out all the stops and giving you my list of favorite
consolidators! Some of these phone numbers are unpublished toll free numbers and aren't available to the public.
How much is this worth? Depending on how much you travel, perhaps hundreds of
dollars on just one airline ticket! With a list of 17 Airline Consolidators, practically unknown to the
public, you'll realize incredible savings on each ticket purchased.
You can use this list over and over and save thousands of dollars over time!
ATTENTION:. You cannot get this list anywhere on the web, no one has it. The
only reason I can share it with you is that I own a travel agency.
But You Must Act Now!
Order Today $27.95 |
Doesn't matter what time of day it is,
Order Here Now |
The question is, is it worth the one time low fee for the eBook to know how to save hundreds, even thousands, on your next trip or vacation?
FACT:You will easily waste that much money or more if you do nothing.
FACT:You can easily waste that much money if you fail to learn how to get free trips and vacations.
FACT:You can easily waste that much money or more buying other eBooks that don't have the information mine does.
FACT:You can easily waste 5 or 10 times that much money if you don't buy your tickets from one of the consolidators from my "little black book" list.
FACT:You can easily waste that much money or more if you fail to understand how the airline's marketing strategies dupe the public into buying the most expensive tickets.
FACT:If you're not completely satisfied, you will get 100% of your money back, guaranteed, hassle free, no questions asked, 60 day unconditional guarantee.Order via our secure server using Visa, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal
Here's how simple it is to get Why Not Fly Free & my Little Black Book with the consolidator list:
After completing the secure credit card form, you'll be re-directed to a webpage with the URL link, username and password to the eBook. | |
Click the link to the password protected site, enter the username & password in the appropiate box and you're in! There's nothing to download or wait on the mail. You have instant access. | |
Bookmark the Contents page (by pressing "CTR"L and the "D" at the same time on your keyboard. Its now located in the "Favorites" folder in your broswer. Write down the username and password and keep in a safe place. |
Now it's up to you. Don't put the decision off, act now, and start learning how to travel free & save money!
Best Wishes,

David Tinney
18 East Third Street
Grove, OK 74344
P.S. You have nothing to lose. Remember my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back, no hassle, no questions asked.
Best Wishes,
David Tinney
18 East Third Street
Grove, OK 74344
P.S. You have nothing to lose. Remember my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back, no hassle, no questions asked.
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