Apps that are making us crazy money – virtually "set-and-forget money"... on auto-pilot..
I'm going to show you how we're doing it.
Look...the whole world is going mobile. Apps have changed the simple mobile phone into a smartphone – a mobile computer.
Everyone is switching from desktop and laptop computers to handheld smartphones running apps.
Not so long ago a "smart" phone was one that let you access a calendar and e-mails.
Ask anyone carrying an iPhone or Android phone these days what makes their phones "smart" and they'll quickly tell you - "It's the apps, doh!"
Maybe you've got a smartphone in your pocket right now. And you're using apps to access Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Google Maps or Gmail.
Or you're having fun with a game like the Angry Birds app or sharing photos with the Instagram app.
That means 1 in 7 people on the planet are on a Smartphone running Apps.
More than 50% of Americans use a smartphone.
Amazing huh? And that figure is growing at an incredible rate.
Soon everyone will be on a Smartphone. The costs are coming right down.
The average American, for instance, has 41 Apps on his smartphone.
And our smartphones are always with us and Always On. We can't function without them.
We carry them with us all the time. We work with them. We play with them. We eat with them. We sleep with them within arm's reach...
And they're the first thing we grab when we wake up in the morning.
Mobile Apps have become part of our daily lives.
Mobile Apps is a HUGE industry – worth 40 BILLION DOLLARS annually.
Here's the thing...there are HUGE opportunities to monetize the boom in apps.
More than 30 million apps are downloaded around the world every day.
Does that look like a "Hungry Crowd" to you? You bet! People are eating up Apps and they can't get enough of them.
So whats this got to do with you and me?
Simple – we can grab a slice of that pie – building and monetizing Mobile Apps.
Before I tell you more about my Mobile Apps software...let me just give you a quick background on how I got involved in the App Industry.
I wasn't always a Mobile Apps Developer. I may have started out in life as a train-spotting geek but I actually did a Civil Engineering degree in Australia. I was looking forward to a future planning, designing and managing construction projects.
And now I'm planning, designing, constructing and managing a Mobile Apps business.
While I was studying at university...or supposed to be studying...I was playing a lot of World of Warcraft. Yeah I was one of those tragics. I couldn't get enough of it. In fact I played World of Warcraft 12 hours straight one day.
I eventually got my degree but I'm a bit ashamed to say I wasted an awful lot of time playing World of Warcraft and other games.
So I took what I could get and ended up on a construction site run by Mister Moo - a friend of my Uncle.
My job title was "Assistant Foreman" - but really I was just Moo's slave.
And I don't want to be anybody's slave, thanks very much.
This wasn't the glorious future I'd mapped out for myself. This wasn't what I was expecting after four hard years at university and working as a dish-pig washing dishes in a Laksa Noodle Bar.
So I was already thinking about ways I could have my own online business. And I became interested in Apps.
I could see the potential.
I could see early adopters – developers of this technology, were making some serious money.
And I wanted some of that. Beats working on a construction site. Or being a dish-pig.
Now I'm just going to quickly give you the "backstory" - how I managed to come up with a software system to monetize mobile apps.
If you've been online for awhile you would have heard of MFA sites - "Made for Adsense" websites. They used to be all the rage until Google banned them.
Basically...guys were scraping content from the net and whacking up websites targeting "longtail keywords" - low competition keywords that still have decent traffic.
They were monetizing the sites with Google's Adsense and cleaning up.
It was a numbers game. Each site may have only made a few dollars a day but these guys had autoblogging software that enabled them to build 20 or 30 sites a day and they were going for it.
Some guys were literally pulling hundreds of thousands of dollars a month from their MadeForAdsense sites.
It was good for the Web – it improved the Search Results. But not so good for the guys who relied on their monthly Adsense check to run their fancy cars and power their superyachts. LOL.
So the situation we have with Mobile Marketing at the moment is kind of similar to the old Made-For-Adsense days.
And the key to it is...get in early and find the HOT keywords.
We're not building Apps like the next Instagram or another Angry Birds App – that's way too complicated.
We've found a virtual "sure-fire" way of quickly building simple mobile apps and making good money off them...
The beauty of this opportunity is...anyone can do it. Even your Grandma or your kid.
We've automated App-Building to a few clicks of the mouse.
It doesn't matter what your background or experience...with the help of our software you can find great keywords and within minutes build a mobile app around that keyword.
This is something that you can start in your spare time and then go full-time as you have success.
We've automated App-Building to a few clicks of the mouse.
It doesn't matter what your background or experience...with the help of our software you can find great keywords and within minutes build a mobile app around that keyword.
This is something that you can start in your spare time and then go full-time as you have success.
All you need is a desire to succeed.
An opportunity like this may never come along again in our lifetime.
What we're doing here is tapping into a new underdeveloped market where there is more demand than supply.
Whatever apps you put out there immediately gets scooped up by hoards of buyers – the fabled "Hungry Crowd" - that every marketer dreams about.
This is like the Dawn of the Internet – only 10 times bigger.
But it gets even better...
Apps are fundamentally changing the way we communicate and relay information.
Apps are fast becoming part of everybody's life – pretty much how the computer was readily adopted. But this is much bigger than computers.
We are walking around with a device – a smartphone - that is ALWAYS ON. Thats the big difference.
And that Always On phone could be running dozens of apps.
We have apps that can control cars, teach you how to be a music producer, how to play the piano, teach you a language and even an app you hold up to the radio and it will tell you what song is playing and who the artist is.
Some people have downloaded hundreds of apps to their phone.
This business will only get bigger and bigger. Apps are here to stay.
Guess what?...this is even bigger than the birth of the internet. Ten times BIGGER. This is the new online Goldrush. Smartphones running Apps will DOUBLE to 2 Billion users in less than three years.
Now is the time to get in on the ground-floor. It's still early days in the Mobile Apps industry. Market penetration is still relatively low. There is HUGE scope for future growth.
The beauty of Green App Machine is that all of the hard work is done for you. From out-of-the-box your Mobile App-building business is ready to go.
You can begin building your Apps Empire as soon as you get your Green App Machine License.
You don't have to write don't have to hire don't have to run Beta groups to test your software. We've done all that for you.
It took us 6 months and a fair bit of money to develop Green App Machine. Now you get to benefit from that and fast-track your start-up Mobile Apps business.
By the way – it's called "machine" because we're making apps for Android phones using the Google Play store...and the entire process is automated – like a machine.
Green App Machine is designed so that you have your very own Mobile App in just a few clicks of the mouse.
It takes just 12 minutes to set up your app.
With a few clicks all you have to do is...
Zero technical knowledge is needed. Absolutely none. Even if you don't fully understand what's involved in building an app – you soon will.
You simply check a few boxes (even most of these are pre-filled) and your app is magically created for you in 12 minutes.
To find a compelling niche takes 3 minutes.
Filling out the fields can be done in 7 minutes - by selecting which modules you want to introduce on your new app.
And of course you are going to want a nice cover photograph and Icon. Finding one of these on the internet that you have the rights to use can take 2 minutes and then you are done.
Of course you can take longer if you like. But if we are talking about efficiency, then this is your target number.
Green App Machine is designed so that you OWN a "mobile app building machine" that can pump out a million apps – if that's what you want to do.
The average Mobile App earns approximately $1 per download for the owner of that app. Now this $1 can be calculated different ways.
One way is by charging people for that app. Say 99 cents. Of which the owner of the app gets approximately 69 cents after Google Play app store takes its cut.
More lucrative than this is giving the app away for free and making the income via AdMob, and other methods.
Especially when we weren't sure if we could make that money back.
So we had the Green App Machine software built to automate the process so that we had ZERO COST per app.
We already knew the Apps made money – that was a GIVEN.
Now with Green App Machine we've been able to reduce our creation costs to almost nothing - meaning we've placed ourselves in effective and full control of our income.
Depending on our needs, we just open up the Green App Machine and make a few more apps here and there.
If we are feeling lazy...then we just stop making new apps and just watch the downloads POUR in daily from all the apps that we have previously made.
So thats what this machine is all about – software that automates the building of Apps.
Because we're talking of a numbers game here. To make really good money we need to fire up the Green App Machine to pump out as many apps as possible. In about 12 minutes per app.
Before too long you'll have a portfolio of money-earning apps. Apps that will be earning you money in a variety of ways – through Downloads, Pushes and direct sales to small businesses.
Everyone loves apps. Try it yourself – show your phone to somebody and say " seen this App?"
But the appsolutely best part with this system is that you don't need to do all the usual stuff that comes with online marketing. No boring and tedious stuff.
It is a completely automated residual process that works and keeps on working.
My software system doesn't require any upkeep. I just put the mobile apps up and check my account every morning to see how many more downloads I have.
Forget all the coding nightmares and tech mumbo jumbo. My fool-proof 5 step method will show you exactly how fast & simple it really is to create your own app, even if you've never owned a smartphone or an Android product in your life. How cool is that?
I know that you can see the virtually limitless profit that can be made with mobile Apps. You also know the secret to "automate" the creation of your Apps using the Green App Machine software.
But you are still probably wondering what exactly is included with your Green App Machine license.
Obviously the Green App Machine Software... but that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Take a look at what powers this machine. You get everything you need to point and click your way to your very own App Empire...
Green App Machine
The Original Beast. Green App Machine is the core component software that allows you to create your own mobile niche apps with a few clicks of the button.
Using in-line technology, CD creates up-to-date, beautiful and technologically-advanced optimized apps that are sure to get massive rankings on the app store and garner you thousands of downloads.
Keyword Machine
The Secret Sauce of App Niche Research. Proper keyword research is the difference between an app with tens of thousands of downloads and ones with NOTHING.
The "old" methods of keyword research do not apply anymore. Keyword Machine is an innovative program that allows you to deep-research Android niches and efficiently pick the winners and discard the losers.
Without Keyword Machine you would risk investing a lot of time, money and effort into niches that have little to no potential returns.
Green App Premium Theme
Green App Machine Premium Theme is a unique Wordpress theme designed for turning your WordPress Blog into a mobile promotion machine.
CD Premium Theme will allow you to leverage large amounts of "web traffic" and funnel those visitors to the high-value download of your Green App Machine apps.
CD Premium Theme is the bridge that spans the chasm between the web and mobile.
Tier 1 Training
The Tier 1 Training module comes with hours of detailed instructional videos and hundreds of pages of comprehensive PDFs.
This training section is a mobile app marketers dream. It not only explains how to use all the "buttons and knobs" on the Green App Machine software, but it also gives detailed guidance on how to actually structure the apps you create into a profitable business.
The 4 Hour Cash Machine
If you want to fast-track the Tier 1 Training and "get started right now" ...
The 4 Hour Cash Machine is a quick-start guide on how others have gotten their app business going within the first 4 hours.
There's a great chance that you could find quick success in the first 4 hours - just by following this guide.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. There are always new features being added to the Green App Machine Mobile Engine. In fact, here are just some of the "Unique" true features you are going to get once you have in your hand your very own Green App Machine License.
True Unlimited Apps - Some app creators will charge you a monthly fee PER app that is exorbitant. This is just not a practical business model. With Green App Machine you get True Unlimited Apps.
That means with your license you can create and own as many Apps as you like with no per app charge or maintenance fees.
It is important for you to have full control over your business with the ability to scale and the reason why TRUE Unlimited Apps are critical to your business success.
With Green App Machine you get the complete business
toolkit in one go. Meaning that with your license, you will have access
to Push as much as you like whenever you like. It is your App so you
have that right.
In addition you'll have access and be integrated into the Tapgage marketplace where you can actually get paid on a CPM basis for allowing others to serve their own push notifications to all of the people that have installed you app. Think about the possibilities.
In addition you'll have access and be integrated into the Tapgage marketplace where you can actually get paid on a CPM basis for allowing others to serve their own push notifications to all of the people that have installed you app. Think about the possibilities.
AdMob+ Integration - With AdMob+ Integration you instantly have the option to display ads from ADMob or up to 9 other mobile monetization networks on your apps.
You can also take advantage of a special embedded feature that allows you to custom display your own ads. So if you wanted to cross-promote your other apps or do a special affiliate promotion, then you can get this going with just a few clicks.
This method is a KEY way to start earning money with your niche apps and available only on Green App Machine.
Premium Green App Machine Support - When
you submit a support ticket you want a real person to reply and not just
some outsourced "robot" that barely understands your questions and is
copying and pasting something that doesn't even give you a proper
We don't like this either! We understand that Green App Machine is a Premium product and requires Premium support. Each one of our individually-trained Green App Machine support staff is an actual user of Green App Machine as well and has their own AppBusiness.
So you can rest assured when you ask a question of our support desk that you are going to be getting back an answer you can depend on.
We don't like this either! We understand that Green App Machine is a Premium product and requires Premium support. Each one of our individually-trained Green App Machine support staff is an actual user of Green App Machine as well and has their own AppBusiness.
So you can rest assured when you ask a question of our support desk that you are going to be getting back an answer you can depend on.
Now is the perfect time to start a mobile apps business while there is low-competition.
It's a "Blue Ocean" moment – with more demand than supply in a wide-open, low-competition marketplace.
- There is no limit to the number of apps you can make. We do NOT charge you for each app.
- You get ALL the tools needed to implement the Green App Machine system. You don't have to find and piece together this tool here and that tool there. This is an out-of-the box fully-automated software system.
- We do NOT have high monthly fees you have to pay to access our tools. Or a fee per app.
- We leave you no room for error. You are given everything you need to get started right now.
My Promise to You...
If you are still uncertain whether Green App Machine is something you should invest in... I'm offering you personally my 100% Money Back Guarantee. This is coming from me, Dylan, to you.For any reason you are not satisfied with the Green App Machine system or you simply want your money back – send us an email or file a support ticket within 60 days of your purchase and you will receive 100% of your money back.
No quibble, no hassle, no nothing.
(You won't have to wait on hold for 3 hours or be transferred to a Support person who then needs authorization from another person!)
Many products that offer full refund guarantees are signed up with merchant credit card processors. And I understand how difficult getting your money back from these merchants can be.
We've chosen Clickbank as our payment processor. This means you are 100% protected.
Its like many times have you had a great idea but never followed through on it, only to see a year later that you missed the boat?
If you're anything like me that's probably happened to you a bunch of times. And you go on to agonize over your inability to take action with "If only I'd ..."
That sucks doesn't it? Especially if you see someone take your idea and run with it. Just because you've been too hesitant to move out of your comfort-zone. Or you couldn't find the money to develop your idea.
Or even worse – you open your mouth at the wrong time and some opportunist overhears your conversation...steals your ideas and goes on to make a fortune with it.
I wouldn't mind betting you're sitting there mulling this Mobile Apps opportunity over.
You know it makes know the price is right...the timing is know the apps business is know you can make a go of it and're plagued with doubt - the old "what ifs?".
I know what you're going through. I've been there myself many times.
Lets see what other buyers are saying about Green App Machine. These are real users - not some super computer geeks - but regular folks just like you and I. Read what they have to say.
I'm willing to bet if you've found this page that you've been interested in establishing your own online business for awhile.
Maybe you're sick of your job. Or you're to be made redundant. Or maybe you're like I was at construction site – wasting your talents and dancing to somebody else's tune.
So while I don't know you personally...I know one thing – you're serious about tapping into a great online opportunity. Thats what you've been searching for.
I can understand that. I was like that too. Trying this/trying that. I've spent thousands on Internet Marketing products. My hard drive is full of them.
I know what its like to get excited about a new product...give it a go...and then realize that things are not what you expected. That its over-complicated...too much like hard work...and only pays peanuts.
How many Plug-ins and software have you bought that don't do what it says on the tin? Too many I bet. And thats just more time and money wasted.
This is not a fly-by-night operation. Here today – gone tomorrow. My team has been behind some of the most successful launches on the internet.
We've had multiple #1 Clickbank Smash Hits and are part of Clickbank's "Premier Elite" program. Which basically means we've sold an awful lot of product on Clickbank – millions of dollars worth.
This is a proven system. One that has been in development for the last year or so. And it's constantly being upgraded and improved on – like all good software.
What you have here is a proven automated software system that can make you money online - without investing a lot of time and energy. Without pouring thousands of dollars into a start-up.
Green App Machine is "push button" easy and you could build your first App today.
But even if it took you half and hour to make an app (it won't) many mobile apps do you think you can make in a day?
Quite a few yeah?
And there's a number of ways of monetizing the apps. As we'll show you once you're inside.
But here's just one of the ways. I call this "The Money For Nothing & Your Checks for Free" method.
Now if you were a small businessman with...oh I don't know...let's say you have a Mexican Restaurant in Downtown Burbank. And you've got quite a bit of competition. You have a website but no mobile presence.
I walk in with a Mobile App for your Mexican Restaurant - already made and installed on my phone.
I don't even have to say a word – I just show you YOUR APP on the phone. With all the bells and whistles – your opening times...your valet parking...your menu...your daily specials...your GPS co-ordinates.
How easy to you think that sale will be?
Thats just one of the ways to make money with Green App Machine. But thats a very powerful way. You can virtually name your own price. Charge the guy $1000 plus a monthly maintenance fee.'ve seen what the Machine can can see its very can see there's a watertight guarantee. But you might still be asking yourself "is this a good thing?...Will I be able to get up and running quickly and easily?...Will I make money?"
The answer is "Yes...Yes...Yes!".
So the decision is yours. I don't want to sell Green App Machine Licenses to just anybody. I want to see a dynamic group of app-makers (appreneurs) really run the wheels of this software and tap into the enormous money-making opportunities in the mobile app industry.
I would be thrilled to know I've created a whole bunch of new internet entrepreneurs from a software program that had its beginnings when I was still working on Moo's muddy construction site.
Whether you join us in Green App Machine today or not...I hope I've at least given you something to think about.
But really...this Mobile Technology is an information revolution. Its more than The Next Big Thing – it is THE BIG THING happening right now.
- There are over 1 BILLION smartphone users in the world today
- Mobile App adoption is accelerating at an amazing rate
- More than 50% of Americans are on a Smartphone.
- That Smartphone is ALWAYS ON and within arms reach
- That smartphone will have an average of 41 Apps on it
- 1 in 7 people are using a Smartphone every single day
- 40 BILLION apps have been downloaded
already - This is the business to be in right now. Mobile Apps have HUGE scope for future growth
This is the NEW INTERNET – opening doors to a new way of making money online.
Are you going to be part of it? I sure am.
I'll see you on the inside. Let's get started on your first app.
Green App Machine Appreneur
P.S. with your Green App Machine License, you get unlimited access to Green App Machine, Keyword Machine, Green App Machine Premium Theme, Tier 1 Training and The Four Hour Cash Machine.
P.P.S. we have an unconditional 60 day 100% refund policy. We will refund any of your payments made within 60 days of purchase. No questions, no hassle, just ask and we refund your purchase in full. We want you to be happy.
P.P.P.S. Mobile Apps is the hottest industry on the planet right now. This is your chance to get in on the ground floor of something BIG.
I understand if I am not satisfied for any reason I can request a full 100% refund within 60 days.
It's time for me to create a passive income through automation and replication. Using the Green App Machine Mobile Engine, I have the opportunity to generate the residual income my family and I deserve.
Simply click the button below to secure your Green App Machine license today.
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Question: I am prepared to make the initial
investment to get started with Green App Machine...but I know that
sometimes there are extra costs that creep up before I can actually
start earning. Can you give me an idea of what else I am going to have
to invest in and where to get it after I buy Green App Machine?
Answer: Very important question to ask because you need to know the whole picture before you plunge forward. Some courses will teach you or give you templates to actually develop a complicated app. What some people do not understand is that you will have to spend another $3000-$5000 on a "outsourcer" to actually make the app for you.
Others will give you some "software" to make apps but then they charge you $79 per month PER app or even a Flat Fee per APP you make! No matter the model, these costs ADD UP and certainly are not free.
The wonderful thing about Green App Machine is that it was designed with the user (you) in mind. So it has no extra costs. With your Green App Machine license you can build UNLIMITED APPS with no extra fee per app. The beauty is that you also own these outright. Other companies actually retain ownership rights to the apps so you are not actually building mobile real estate but paying someone else so they can build assets.
You will have to pay the Android store (Google Play) a $25 fee for a lifetime of app uploads.
Answer: Very important question to ask because you need to know the whole picture before you plunge forward. Some courses will teach you or give you templates to actually develop a complicated app. What some people do not understand is that you will have to spend another $3000-$5000 on a "outsourcer" to actually make the app for you.
Others will give you some "software" to make apps but then they charge you $79 per month PER app or even a Flat Fee per APP you make! No matter the model, these costs ADD UP and certainly are not free.
The wonderful thing about Green App Machine is that it was designed with the user (you) in mind. So it has no extra costs. With your Green App Machine license you can build UNLIMITED APPS with no extra fee per app. The beauty is that you also own these outright. Other companies actually retain ownership rights to the apps so you are not actually building mobile real estate but paying someone else so they can build assets.
You will have to pay the Android store (Google Play) a $25 fee for a lifetime of app uploads.
Question: Can you tell me again about the different business models I can use with Green App Machine?
Answer: Ahh, straight to the point. Now while I never underestimate the ingenuity of my customers to come up with ideas to use my software beyond what I can provide...let me tell you about the #1 business model with Green App Machine. The Green App Machine Cloud model involves using Keyword Machine (included) to do an App "niche" research to find underdeveloped niches with lots of searches and very few apps.
What you do then is put up an App with Green App Machine and generally allow it to be downloaded for free (you can charge if you want as well, but testing shows that we actually earn more money by giving away for free). You are integrated with up to 10 different mobile ad networks including Google AdMob which will help you monetize your apps so that you can collect major commissions. My top grossing app is earning me over $400 per day right now and that is just one of hundreds so you can do the math and watch the commissions add up. Alternative Method– Virtual Real Estate - Since with your Green App Machine License you actually OWN all of your own can build a significant portfolio of Mobile Apps and then sell your business. Easy? Well it is more of a long-term strategy, but it does offer a goal and a significant forecast to work towards.
Answer: Ahh, straight to the point. Now while I never underestimate the ingenuity of my customers to come up with ideas to use my software beyond what I can provide...let me tell you about the #1 business model with Green App Machine. The Green App Machine Cloud model involves using Keyword Machine (included) to do an App "niche" research to find underdeveloped niches with lots of searches and very few apps.
What you do then is put up an App with Green App Machine and generally allow it to be downloaded for free (you can charge if you want as well, but testing shows that we actually earn more money by giving away for free). You are integrated with up to 10 different mobile ad networks including Google AdMob which will help you monetize your apps so that you can collect major commissions. My top grossing app is earning me over $400 per day right now and that is just one of hundreds so you can do the math and watch the commissions add up. Alternative Method– Virtual Real Estate - Since with your Green App Machine License you actually OWN all of your own can build a significant portfolio of Mobile Apps and then sell your business. Easy? Well it is more of a long-term strategy, but it does offer a goal and a significant forecast to work towards.
Question: Can I use this to build a game like Angry Birds?
Answer: To build a game like Angry Birds would likely cost you minimum $10,000 to get started with an outsourcer and that would just be the beginning of your investment.
Green App Machine is a different business model that allows you to build both Niche-information apps that you can monetize via AdMob and Small Business Apps that you can sell to your client base. Since you have the ability to create unlimited apps this is a much more "predictable" income stream which gives you the potential to expand your business via the intelligent scaling models we provide
Answer: To build a game like Angry Birds would likely cost you minimum $10,000 to get started with an outsourcer and that would just be the beginning of your investment.
Green App Machine is a different business model that allows you to build both Niche-information apps that you can monetize via AdMob and Small Business Apps that you can sell to your client base. Since you have the ability to create unlimited apps this is a much more "predictable" income stream which gives you the potential to expand your business via the intelligent scaling models we provide
Question: Do I need my own Smartphone to use Green App Machine?
Answer:Funnily enough you can actually build your entire Mobile App Empire and NEVER even own a Smartphone or tablet yourself. That is how the internet works. All-inclusive within the Green App Machine Platform - you can build, test and distribute your app without even having an iPhone or Android phone of your own. However, after you make a bit of money, it may be a cool idea to get one - just so you can get in on the craze!
Answer:Funnily enough you can actually build your entire Mobile App Empire and NEVER even own a Smartphone or tablet yourself. That is how the internet works. All-inclusive within the Green App Machine Platform - you can build, test and distribute your app without even having an iPhone or Android phone of your own. However, after you make a bit of money, it may be a cool idea to get one - just so you can get in on the craze!
Question: Will Green App Machine Work in other Countries than the USA and other Languages than English?
Answer:Great question. You can customize the text of the tabs and buttons within Green App Machine to any Roman language. (so no Japanese for example) So when creating your app, you simply change these key navigation aspects to your language. In addition the content you put in the Apps is created by you so it can be in your own language and targeted to you.
Answer:Great question. You can customize the text of the tabs and buttons within Green App Machine to any Roman language. (so no Japanese for example) So when creating your app, you simply change these key navigation aspects to your language. In addition the content you put in the Apps is created by you so it can be in your own language and targeted to you.
Question: Do I need my own website for this? Where are the "Apps" Hosted?
Answer: The Apps are hosted on the Google Play Store, so you do not need your own website to use Green App Machine.
However, for those that do own existing websites, with your Green App Machine license you will be given access to the Premium Wordpress plugin WPDroid which when enabled will, among other things, drive mobile visitors of your website to your app - hence leveraging your existing website traffic in order to increase your App downloads.
Answer: The Apps are hosted on the Google Play Store, so you do not need your own website to use Green App Machine.
However, for those that do own existing websites, with your Green App Machine license you will be given access to the Premium Wordpress plugin WPDroid which when enabled will, among other things, drive mobile visitors of your website to your app - hence leveraging your existing website traffic in order to increase your App downloads.
In addition with your license of Green App Machine you will
be given access to the complete Machine Theme Premium. This is an
originally-designed and optimized from the ground up Wordpress theme
that is designed to specifically draw and drive more traffic to your
mobile app.
So the answer is "no" - you don't need a website and can do just fine without one. However...with the provided tools you may want to consider using web-promotion as part of your Machine-building toolkit.
So the answer is "no" - you don't need a website and can do just fine without one. However...with the provided tools you may want to consider using web-promotion as part of your Machine-building toolkit.
Question: I heard about XXXXX offering a similar service to build apps. How is Green App Machine different?
Answer: Great question. There are numerous "App Makers" out their on the market. Some "claim" to be free, while others claim to offer "unlimited" apps. While a few just have a fancy logo and openly gouge you on price.
The reality is that if you do a direct feature comparison on what sort of apps Green App Machine and its "competitors" can produce...then generally Green App Machine has all of the features of the other ones, but a few more that we review above on this page. The reason for this is we studied all of our competitors and made sure that our App-builder was a much better product.
Even more important than this, Green App Machine is offering what we call TRUE UNLIMITED Apps. Meaning that with your Green App Machine License you get to create as many apps as you like with your license with no extra 'per app' charge. Make as many as you like. Do whatever you like with them. No Extra charges. Period.
Answer: Great question. There are numerous "App Makers" out their on the market. Some "claim" to be free, while others claim to offer "unlimited" apps. While a few just have a fancy logo and openly gouge you on price.
The reality is that if you do a direct feature comparison on what sort of apps Green App Machine and its "competitors" can produce...then generally Green App Machine has all of the features of the other ones, but a few more that we review above on this page. The reason for this is we studied all of our competitors and made sure that our App-builder was a much better product.
Even more important than this, Green App Machine is offering what we call TRUE UNLIMITED Apps. Meaning that with your Green App Machine License you get to create as many apps as you like with your license with no extra 'per app' charge. Make as many as you like. Do whatever you like with them. No Extra charges. Period.
Question: I have heard that some of these services don't let you own your apps. Will I own my Apps with Green App Machine?
Answer: ABSOLUTELY YES, you maintain 100% legal ownership of all your apps with Green App Machine. Before we expand let me tell you a short story. A good friend of mine and fellow software developer, started experimenting with Mobile Apps last year.
At the time there was a certain service that for $79 a month they would let you build ONE APP. (yes...$79 for one app) which is crazy expensive by today's standards. Well what happened is he built the App using their system and they submitted it to the AppStore for him. He was a clever marketer and knew how to do proper App Niche research and before long his App was earning $500 a day in revenue. Not bad.
However what happened next was a major wake-up call for his business. He went and read the fine print and realized that he in fact did not own this app. Rather the company that he was paying $79 a month to maintained legal ownership of this app.
So in theory at any moment they could simply "take over" and take his $500 a day and he would have no recourse. Fortunately they haven't done that (yet) but they did something almost as bad.
They actually went and made a direct copy of his App...just changing a few things around and took over his top position on the AppStore. Suddenly his income dropped dramatically. When he confronted them about it, they admitted to copying him and told him to read the terms of service. Ugghh.
So again, the answer is that with Green App Machine you maintain 100% complete legal ownership and control of your App. This is IMPERATIVE because down the road you are going to want to sell your Apps and your app business for x18 the monthly income so you need to own it in order to sell it.
Answer: ABSOLUTELY YES, you maintain 100% legal ownership of all your apps with Green App Machine. Before we expand let me tell you a short story. A good friend of mine and fellow software developer, started experimenting with Mobile Apps last year.
At the time there was a certain service that for $79 a month they would let you build ONE APP. (yes...$79 for one app) which is crazy expensive by today's standards. Well what happened is he built the App using their system and they submitted it to the AppStore for him. He was a clever marketer and knew how to do proper App Niche research and before long his App was earning $500 a day in revenue. Not bad.
However what happened next was a major wake-up call for his business. He went and read the fine print and realized that he in fact did not own this app. Rather the company that he was paying $79 a month to maintained legal ownership of this app.
So in theory at any moment they could simply "take over" and take his $500 a day and he would have no recourse. Fortunately they haven't done that (yet) but they did something almost as bad.
They actually went and made a direct copy of his App...just changing a few things around and took over his top position on the AppStore. Suddenly his income dropped dramatically. When he confronted them about it, they admitted to copying him and told him to read the terms of service. Ugghh.
So again, the answer is that with Green App Machine you maintain 100% complete legal ownership and control of your App. This is IMPERATIVE because down the road you are going to want to sell your Apps and your app business for x18 the monthly income so you need to own it in order to sell it.
Question: I need to use Green App Machine to make money in the next 48 hours. Is this possible?
Answer: Green App Machine is not a "Business Opportunity" nor a "get rich quick" scheme. It is software toolkit that generates Mobile apps according to your certain criteria. We can recommend some techniques that others have followed to get started quickly and these are covered in the 4 Hour Cash Machine and we have seen many find MASSIVE success by following this guide.
However, as with all online businesses, ultimately you are responsible for your own success which depends upon a number of factors including proper plan, ability and commitment. More on this within The 4 Hour Cash Machine Quick Start Guide.
Answer: Green App Machine is not a "Business Opportunity" nor a "get rich quick" scheme. It is software toolkit that generates Mobile apps according to your certain criteria. We can recommend some techniques that others have followed to get started quickly and these are covered in the 4 Hour Cash Machine and we have seen many find MASSIVE success by following this guide.
However, as with all online businesses, ultimately you are responsible for your own success which depends upon a number of factors including proper plan, ability and commitment. More on this within The 4 Hour Cash Machine Quick Start Guide.
Question: I know this is going to work for me and I
am sold. Please tell me how I can acquire my exclusive license of Green
App Machine?
Answer: As many people are already aware, there are a limited number of Green App Machine licenses being released today at a very special market rate.
The deal is that after these licenses are sold out, then Green App Machine will be removed from the market and you will no longer be able to acquire a license. This means that if you want to secure your license of Green App Machine, then you need to act now and click on this link, as this page may be removed at any moment.
Answer: As many people are already aware, there are a limited number of Green App Machine licenses being released today at a very special market rate.
The deal is that after these licenses are sold out, then Green App Machine will be removed from the market and you will no longer be able to acquire a license. This means that if you want to secure your license of Green App Machine, then you need to act now and click on this link, as this page may be removed at any moment.
Question: I know I want Green App Machine but maybe not today. Can I come back and get it later?
Answer: See the above question. The reality is that as soon as our limited licenses are sold...then this page will be removed...the training will begin and you will be left out.
The bottom line is that if you want to get in on your exclusive license of Green App Machine, then this is your only chance. Tomorrow may be too late.
Answer: See the above question. The reality is that as soon as our limited licenses are sold...then this page will be removed...the training will begin and you will be left out.
The bottom line is that if you want to get in on your exclusive license of Green App Machine, then this is your only chance. Tomorrow may be too late.
Question: Ok, I am going to get my Green App Machine
but I still have my doubts. Is there any sort of Guarantee so I can try
it out?
Answer: Yes, we make it easy and a no-brainer for you. We offer a 100% unconditional 60 day money back guarantee.
This means that for whatever reason (or no reason - you don't need to give us one) you would like a refund...just contact our support desk within 60 days of purchase and your refund will be issued no-quibble/no hassle.
We want you to leave us satisfied whether you are our customer or not. We are in the business of pleasing and only want to work with those people that want to work with us.
Answer: Yes, we make it easy and a no-brainer for you. We offer a 100% unconditional 60 day money back guarantee.
This means that for whatever reason (or no reason - you don't need to give us one) you would like a refund...just contact our support desk within 60 days of purchase and your refund will be issued no-quibble/no hassle.
We want you to leave us satisfied whether you are our customer or not. We are in the business of pleasing and only want to work with those people that want to work with us.
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